About us

Your partner in automation

Mångårig erfarenhet i branschen med huvudkontor i Hässleholm och ingenjörskontor i Lund, Älmhult, Helsingborg, Vetlanda och Stockholm. Komplett leverantör av allt från tekniska konsulttjänster till färdig produkt. Attraktiv arbetsplats med hög kompetens som utvecklar framtidens automationssystem. Vi är din partner inom automation, tillsammans skapar vi marknadsfördelar.

Many years of experience in the....

branschen med huvudkontor i Hässleholm och ingenjörskontor i Lund, Älmhult, Helsingborg, Vetlanda och Stockholm

One-stop-shop of...

everything from technical consulting to the final product

Attractive place to work, with...

high level of expertise that is developing the future of automation

We are your partner in...

automation, and together we will create market advantages

Who are we?

Automationsteknik performs everything from technical consulting services to 

"Turn-Key" solutions with the main areas within the process, wood, mechanical and food industries.


Our goal

Our goal is to work closely and together with our customers and our strategy is to be a partner that creates customer benefits through innovative solutions, which also creates a competitive advantage for us and our customers.

To Our Knowledge,

Vi är ett kunskapsföretag med möjlighet att hjälpa er fram till de rätta lösningarna, oavsett om de är av de enklare eller mer komplicerade slaget.


Our privacy policy

Automationsteknik will always give customers the best possible support by having a flexible organization.​

Automationsteknik will develop the automation solutions of the future with high quality, which increases the lifespan of the customers investments while at the same time saving the environment.

Automationsteknik will be an attractive workplace by constantly developing our employees and thereby the company.

Many years of experience in the....

the industry, with the headquarters in Hässleholm and offices in Lund, Älmhult and Helsingborg.

One-stop-shop of...

everything from technical consulting to the final product

Attractive place to work, with...

high level of expertise that is developing the future of automation

We are your partner in...

automation, and together we will create market advantages

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